Foods That Reduce Cravings When Quitting Smoking

Foods That Reduce Cravings When Quitting Smoking - Health

Foods That Reduce Cravings When Quitting Smoking

Quitting cigarettes is incredibly difficult for smokers. However, once you decide to quit this habit, you may face difficult periods when cravings arise.

According to specialists, it can be tough to stop them, and you may feel like giving up. According to experts, if you stop smoking, you will regain a sense of taste and smell, allowing you to appreciate food more than ever.

A puff of tobacco smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals that damage the neuroreceptors in your mouth, dulling your perception of taste and smell. To combat this, here is a list of expert-approved meals that can help you conquer your desire to smoke.

Foods that can help you quit smoking.

According to physicians, if you intend to quit, what you eat can help you stay on track. While there is no official quitting diet, certain foods boost your chances of being smoke-free permanently. Here’s what you should eat and avoid when trying to quit smoking.


Drinking milk instead of cigarettes can help satisfy cravings. According to one study, a group of smokers was asked what foods interact with the taste of cigarettes to make them more appealing. Dairy products ranked #1 on the list.

Fruits and veggies:

According to doctors, smokers eat fewer fresh meals per day than non-smokers. According to studies, when quitting, it is a good idea to eat more fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables. According to Healthline, whenever you have a yearning for tobacco, you should eat raw carrots or any other crisp and flavorful snack. Additionally, chewing on pickles, apples, or celery can keep your mouth occupied and reduce your psychological need to smoke.


Popcorn is the greatest food for keeping your hands and mouth engaged. When you are trying to quit smoking, you may find yourself constantly craving munchies, owing to the fact that you can not keep your hands and mouth occupied with a cigarette anymore.


You might try sucking on cinnamon sticks, which provide a pleasant, sweet taste with no calories.


Quitting smoking is frequently related with weight gain, therefore it is also necessary to monitor your nutrition. Consume enough of beans in all forms to get high-quality fiber, which helps you lose weight and regulates digestion.

Other fiber-rich foods include broccoli, raspberries, and oats.

Foods you must avoid:

Some meals and beverages that can exacerbate your desires include:


If you smoke cigarettes, it becomes natural to consume alcohol – beer, wine, or mixed drinks – since they are inextricably linked. As a result, avoid alcohol throughout your first month of non-smoking, when the danger of relapse is greatest.

Spicy and sweet meals:

According to the American Cancer Society, it is advised to avoid spicy and sweet meals during quitting smoking because they can increase your cravings for cigarettes.

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