Honey vs Jaggery

Comparing Health Benefits: Honey vs Jaggery

It goes without saying that if you are attempting to live a healthier lifestyle, everyone else would advise you to consume less sugar, opting perhaps for alternatives like Honey vs Jaggery. However, if your sugar cravings are at their worst, you could give up completely and eat anything sweet. People would therefore advise you to avoid…

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Desi Indian Drinks for summer

8 best fermented Indian Drinks for summer

Digestive tract has undoubtedly been damaged by increased mercury, making it imperative to turn to remedies such as Desi Indian Drinks for relief and healing. Drinks with fermentation are essential to this process. Fermented beverages are thought to improve gut health, shield the body from heat stroke and other seasonal ailments, and lighten the gut’s load….

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Lentil benefits

Lentil benefits in daily diet

Lentils, sometimes referred to as “dal” in India, are highly valued in Indian food and culture. Renowned for their numerous health benefits, including being a main source of protein, fiber, and other necessary elements. Lentils Benefits – diets of millions nationwide. Lentils  are a common ingredient in a wide variety of traditional recipes that are loved by…

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Vegetables in summer season

Vegetables in summer season

Summertime is the busiest time of time to make the salutary adaptations that are needed to maintain intestinal and general health excellent. In light of this, specialists constantly advise enjoying vegetables like tori, lauki, and tinda . These three veggies are also not veritably delicious to numerous of us, which is why people tend to…

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